
Saturday, March 31, 2018

RC2018/04 is a go!

Yes, I've been busy lately, and I'm a bit behind on processing the entries. But nevermind that -- the show must go on!

It's already April in some places, and well past time to claim some time for your retro hobby. So, all you geeks, gadgeteers, builders, and boffins of all types should be digging-out your retro gear and getting to work. My shortcomings are no excuse -- your entry will be properly recorded well before the competitions ends... :-)

So, dig out your 8-bit machines, your assemblers, your oscilloscopes and your soldering irons. It's time to get cracking. I can hardly wait to see what you can do, and the world is in line behind me.

Remember: you are only young once, but you can be retro forever!

Are you ready to face the Retro Challenge?

Thursday, March 8, 2018

Contestants Can Use ViTNO as Platform for Blog!

Thinking of joining into the contest for April, but unsure about where to post the required blog updates? Well, then you are in luck...

No Excuses

That's right, you now have one less excuse! So what are you waiting for?

It's RetroChallenge!! The only losing move is not to play...

Monday, March 5, 2018

RC2018/04 -- Open for Entrants!

It is about that time of year again! Who is ready for another round of RetroChallenge?!?!?!

Enter Now

If you plan to join us in the RC2018/04 competition, now is the time to make yourself known. Feel free to refer to our "RetroChallenge Rules" page for reminders, but the basics are "do something interesting with an old computer, and blog about it for month". Whatever you are going to do, please send me an email describing:
  1. Your name (or alias);
  2. Your picture (or I'll find something online);
  3. Your Twitter handle (if applicable);
  4. Your blog location (for project updates); and
  5. A brief synopsis of your project.
I likely will produce an entrants list that looks a bit like the one from RC2017/10, so use that as a guide for the level of information needed. Please send the information requested above to me via email to linville at tuxdriver dot com -- figuring-out how to decode that address is your first test...

Let's Get Going!

Well, then, that's all for now -- just under 4 weeks until the start of the competition! Currently I do not have any prize donations to announce, but I am hopeful as always that our retro-oriented friends will come through with some great prize offerings. I do have a couple of items in-hand, and probably I can dig-up another thing or two around here. Don't worry! Remember, the competition is it's own reward... :-)

Anyway, get your entry to me, order your parts, and make any necessary preparations. April will soon be here!