
Monday, March 25, 2019

RC2019/03 -- Halftime Report

Ok, it's 10 days past "half" time...but this is better than nothing, right? :-)

Comments In Blue

To see the judge's comments, go to the entrants page. I have added my comments in blue text. I don't think I've been too critical, or stepped on anyone's toes, but sometimes it can be hard to tell for sure -- no offense intended! Please presume that at worst, I might be poking a little fun. But honestly, for the most part there are great projects which deserve nothing but good things to say.

If you do feel the need to reply, then send me an email. I'm happy to add your rebuttal!

Back To Work

So anyway, enjoy the respite while you consider my thoughts on your project and take a moment to look at your competitor's projects as well. There is some great fun and amusement to be had. But honestly, no project feels as good as a finished project -- are you done? If not, then you've got (almost) one more week...get busy!

Friday, March 22, 2019

RC2019/03 -- one more week!

Tick, tock -- time marches on! Before long, the month of March will be over, and the midpoint is well past already. I'm looking at the entries for the halftime progress, and I know Michai is looking too. Hopefully we can get a halftime report out before too long.

Meanwhile, the competitors are continuing their projects and having lots of fun. That's really the point -- little of practical use comes from Retrochallenge, other than the joy that gets sparked in both the competitors and the observers. So do take a chance to review the entries, make comments, tell your nerdy friends, etc! Make a party out of the spectacle.

As of now, there is one week and the following weekend remaining for the competition. In many cases, that could be enough time for a complete project! In other cases, it may just be enough time to document your progress and withdraw with a little dignity...but honestly, if you entered this event, then dignity can't be much of a priority...

Alright, here ends this interruption. Get back to your projects, do your best, and make us all proud!!